Hello! Welcome to my personal blog.

The origin of the name SashimiMonster:

The name SashimiMonster is derived from my fondness for consuming sashimi. Much like Sesame Street's Cookie Monster, who possesses an insatiable appetite for cookies, I share a similar passion for sashimi, resulting in the moniker SashimiMonster. That's all there is to it. I hope you find my blog enjoyable to read.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sunset at Mt. Eden
Sunset at Mt. Eden

Sunset at Mt. Eden, Aukland, New Zealand

Istanbul, Turkey

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sharing with you photos I took on some of my trips.

View of Paris from the Eiffel Tower, France

Mt. Fuji, Japan

Fatima, Portugal

Ruins of St. Paul, Macao

Tiananmen Square, China